Funny Love Memes Funny Jealous Love Memes

You could continue to send quick texts to let her know how much you love her, although everyone does that.

It's certainly an okay way to let her know she's on your mind.

She most definitely appreciates the sentiment behind it, and it's better than no message at all.

But why not go a step further?

Why not take a few extra minutes to send something special that shows you put some thought into it with these cute memes for her?

85 Love Memes For Her

Whether you're looking for a way to express your love, you want to make her laugh, or you want to melt her heart, there's a meme for that!

Regardless of the stage of your relationship, how long you've been together, or what your personalities are like, you can find something that she'll like without feeling like a giant cheeseball.

She'll undoubtedly love you even more– and wonder where your cute memes are coming from.

I Love You Memes for Her

1. What's better than a romantic kiss in the rain? Expressing the sentiment–without getting wet!

2. To the point– with a feminine splash of color.

3. A sweet play on words for your special coffee lover.

4.  Soar into her notificaitons and her heart with this flying message.

5.  Sometimes love can't be explained, so just go with it.

6.  Make a clear, bold declaration of love.

7. You love her, you love you, and you love the two of you together.

8. Who wouldn't like to hear I Love You from a winky-eyed pooch like this?

9. Let her know you love her today, tomorrow, and all the days to come.

10. An early morning message sure to start her day right.

11. A little Will Ferrel never hurt anyone!

12. She's better than life's sweet treats any day of the year.

13. When even a nanosecond is too long to be apart…

14. This little baby means serious business!

15. Your heart is full but you can't come up with the words to tell her.

Image: Source

16. You've had some amazing experiences in life, but she's at the top of the list.

17. No fork or spoon required!

18. Let this happy furry face sing your I Love You's for you.

19. Just thinking about your love for her makes you smile.

20. You're irritated with life but not with her.

21. Ask for forgiveness with these sweet puppy-dog eyes.

22. Here's a heartfelt way to express your passion for her.

Sweet Love Memes for Her

23. There aren't many things cuter than kittens fight-kissing.

24. Nothing says I love you like a heart-shaped pizza.

25. You love everything about her and couldn't possibly list it all.

26. Instead of trying to make the little box yourself, just send her this meme!

27. Let her know you want her love and commitment.

28. There's no one else for you. She's your one and only.

29. Tuck her in for bed by letting her know you'll be thinking of her.

30. She fills your heart with love and happiness.

31. The guys are fun and everything, but sometimes there's nothing better than staying in.

32. Shower her with lots of love.

33. Send her this when you can't love her in person.

34. A playful gesture with a little innuendo behind it.

35. Let her know she's the only one for you.

36. Add some spice to a sweet and simple message.

37. Of all the people in your life, she's the best one.

38. Make it playful with a cute, cartoonish vibe.

39. Fancy virtual kisses are better than no kisses at all.

40. Use a sappy rhyme to let her know she's the one for you.

41. When you crazy miss her and just need to hold on a little longer.

42. Let Jim Halpert help you win at the who's- cuter- than- who game.

43. There's nothing better than snuggling up with the one you love.

44. Your girl keeps you on your toes– and you like it!

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Funny Love Memes for Her

45. A comical way to say she's the best thing in your life.

Image: Source

46. You have your share of disagreements, but you love her nonetheless.

47. Lighten it up with a playful undertone.

48. Sometimes the people we love the most still work on our nerves.

49.  Make her chuckle witha small dose of bittersweet reality.

50. Kissing her is awesome and you want her to know it.

51.  You've been together a while and are comfortable with each other.

52. Let her know you're crazy about her.

53. Here's that comfort thing again!

54. She stole your heart, and now she must walk the plank. Okay, not really.

55. Make her blush by letting her know your V-day intentions.

56. There's no shame in letting her know you like the way she looks.

57. It's fun to binge-watch a new show– assuming you can get to the binge part.

58. This clear, albeit cheesy, message tells her there's no one else for you.

59. Wow, that's A LOT of love.

60. She must be pretty special to make you this happy.

61. Okay, this one is cheesy, too. But a little cheese is fine now and then.

62. Let her know she's attractive and you want her.

63. It really is the little things in life.

64. You'll put a smile on her face with this light-hearted quip.

65. This (overly) enthusiastic elf can send your message loud and clear.

66. It's not true unless social media says so.

Romantic Love Memes for Her

67. Let her know you always welcome her kisses.

68. Even when you're not together, you can think of her to make yourself smile.

69. The past doesn't matter. Your focus is on the future– and she's it.

70. Being together is so much better than not being together.

71. There's something calming about the love and security of a committed relationship.

72. Skip the florist and send flowers with this furry friend instead.

73. Anyone can be in a relationship, but finding the right relationship is another story.

74. Your love feels deep and special. It's meaningful in a way you can't describe.

75. You don't have to be religious to find this scripture moving.

76. She means everything to you and nothing can keep you apart.

77. You somehow fall more in love with her every single day.

78. Let your girl know you think about her constantly to feel closer to her.

79. She's your soulmate, plain and simple.

80. Make her feel warm and fuzzy inside with some heartfelt romance.

81. Her coworkers will be jealous when she says, "Awww," and shows them your message.

82. This one will have her thinking about kissing you (which could create a passionate reunion!).

83. Your love is true, and you want to be with her forever.

84. She has your heart, but you don't want it back.

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85. True love runs deeper than shallow things like looks and possessions.

Anyone can send a message that says, "I love you." If you want to stand out, show her you care with memes to make her day. Use these sweet, funny, and romantic messages to let her know she's on your mind– and your heart.

Being funny and goofy at times helps in making a relationship last longer. Show your girl some love in a humorous way with these love memes for her.


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